아태지역의 무형유산 보호 현황

국가별 무형유산 보호 제도, 정책, 관련 기관, 그리고 당면과제


남아시아 국가의 무형유산 보호 노력에 관한 현황조사 보고서

남아시아 지역의 요약문은 네팔, 부탄, 방글라데시, 파키스탄, 스리랑카, 이란, 인도 및 터키의 무형유산보호 현황에 관한 전반적인 개요를 제공한다. 해당 요약문은 주로 위에 언급한 나라들의 무형문화보호제도, 보호정책, 무형문화목록을 포함한 현황 및 긴급한 보호가 필요한 목록에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 또한, 무형문화보호에 책임이 있는 주체들에 대한 정보와 각 국가들 내 공동체 참여 현황에 대한 정보를 제공해준다. 이와 더불어, 국제적 차원의 무형유산 보호에 관한 이들 국가의 참여현황도 간략히 살펴보기 위해 유네스코와 관련한 몇 가지 추가적인 정보도 명시하였다. 이와 더불어 파키스탄의 무형유산 보호 현황에 관한 세부적인 내용이 새롭게 추가되었다. 새로운 내용은 2012년 12월 유네스코에 제출한 'NO.00794/파키스탄 무형유산 대표목록 등재 종목 현황과 협약이행에 관한 정기보고서(Periodic Report No.00794/Pakistan on the implementation of the Convention and on the status of ‎elements inscribed on the RL)'를 근거로 했다. 이번 현황조사보고서는 남아시아 국가들의 다양한 문화유산과 관련한 대표본을 제공한다. 각 국가는 무형유산과 관련한 문제의 배경이 다르다. 모든 국가들이 무형유산이 직면한 위험요소에 많은 관심을 기울이고 있지만, 이에 반해 조사에 참여한 대부분의 국가들이 무형유산에 대한 정의와 무형유산 목록 또는 목록화도 이루어지지 않고 있는 상황에 있다. 그러나 각 국가들은 무형유산보호와 관련하여 큰 동기부여와 관심을 표현하고 있으며 국제적인 협력 및 경험을 공유하려는 의사를 나타내고 있다. 이들 사이에 보이는 공통점은 여타 무형유산 영역과 비교하여 전통공연예술 분야에 더 많은 관심을 보이고 있다는 점이다.


  • Ratified the ICH Convention in 2009; conducted survey in 2010
  • As of March 2018, has 4 ICH elements on the RL and no accredited NGOs
  • SummaryView
  • Safeguarding system & policyView
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage InventoryView
  • Relevant OrganisationsView
  • Meetings on Intangible Cultural HeritageView
  • The Representative List of the ICH of HumanityView
  • Living Human Treasures System (LHTS)View
  • Pending issues & urgent needs on safeguarding of ICHView
  • List of Co-researchersView
  • Annex 1 | The Asiatic Society of BangladeshView
  • Annex 2 | PhotographsView


  • Ratified the ICH Convention in 2005; conducted survey in 2010 and updated in 2016
  • As of March 2018, has 1 ICH element on the RL and no accredited NGOs
  • SummaryView
  • Safeguarding System & PolicyView
  • Sample Inventory of ICH ElementsView
  • ICH Practitioners, Groups and CommunitiesView
  • Relevant OrganizationsView
  • ICH Transmission SystemView
  • Pending Issues and Urgent NeedsView
  • List of co-researchersView
  • Annex 1 | PhotographsView
  • Annex 2 | Department of Database and Documentation of ICH ElementsView
  • Annex 3 | Reference MaterialsView


  • Ratified the ICH Convention in 2005; conducted survey in 2013
  • As of March 2018, has 13 ICH elements on the RL and 9 accredited NGOs
  • SummaryView
  • BackgroundView
  • Safeguarding System & PolicyView
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage InventoryView
  • Relevant OrganisationsView
  • Meetings on Intangible Cultural HeritageView
  • The Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of HumanityView
  • Scheme for Sustaining the Living and Diverse Cultural Traditions of IndiaView
  • Living Human Treasures SystemView
  • Pending IssuesView
  • ConclusionView
  • List of Co-researchersView
  • Annex1 | PhotographsView
  • Annex2 | IGNCA Inventory on Intangible Cultural HeritageView


  • Ratified the ICH Convention in 2006; conducted survey in 2012
  • As of March 2018, has 11 ICH elements on the RL, 2 elements on the USL, and 1
    accredited NGO
  • SummaryView
  • Safeguarding System & PolicyView
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage InventoryView
  • Relevant OrganizationsView
  • Achievements on ICHView
  • Records of the Islamin Republic of Iran in International Inscriptions of ICHView
  • Living Human Treasures SystemView
  • Pending Issues and Urgent Needs on Safeguarding of ICHView
  • List of Co-researchersView
  • Annex | PhotographsView


  • Ratified the ICH Convention in 2010; conducted survey in 2010
  • As of March 2018, has no elements on the ICH Lists of UNESCO and no accredited
  • SummaryView
  • Safeguarding system & policyView
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage InventoryView
  • Relevant OrganisationsView
  • Meetings on Intangible Cultural HeritageView
  • Intangible cultural heritage in NepalView
  • Profiles of selected intangible cultural heritage of NepalView
  • Pending issues & urgent needs regarding the safeguarding of ICHView
  • List of Co-researchersView
  • Annex 1 | Preliminary StudyView
  • Annex 2 | Project IntroductionView
  • Annex 3 | A Country ReportView
  • Annex 4 | PhotographsView


  • Ratified the ICH Convention in 2005; conducted survey in 2011
  • As of March 2018, has 2 ICH elements on the RL and no accredited NGOs
  • SummaryView
  • Safeguarding system & policyView
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage InventoryView
  • Relevant OrganisationsView
  • Meetings on Intangible Cultural HeritageView
  • Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of HumanityView
  • Provisional Inscribed ItemView
  • Pending issues & urgent needs on safeguarding of ICHView
  • List of Co-researchersView
  • Annex 1 | Lok Virsa Legal Status OrdinanceView
  • Annex 2 | Country ReportView
  • Annex 3 | PhotographsView


  • Ratified the ICH Convention in 2008; conducted survey in 2011
  • As of March 2018, has no elements on the ICH Lists of UNESCO and no accredited
  • SummaryView
  • Safeguarding system & policyView
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage InventoryView
  • Relevant OrganisationsView
  • Meetings on Intangible Cultural HeritageView
  • Provisional List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of HumanityView
  • Provisional List of Urgent SafeguardingView
  • Safeguarding MeasuresView
  • Living Human Treasures Systems (LHTS)View
  • Pending issues & urgent needs on safeguarding of ICHView
  • List of Co-researchersView
  • Annex 1 | Cultural Property ActView
  • Annex 2 | PhotographsView


  • Ratified the ICH Convention in 2006; conducted survey in 2013
  • As of March 2018, has 15 ICH elements on the RL, 1 element on the USL, and 2
    accredited NGOs
  • SummaryView
  • Safeguarding System & PolicyView
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage InventoryView
  • Relevant OrganisationsView
  • Meetings on Intangible Cultural HeritageView
  • The Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of HumanityView
  • Living Human Treasures SystemView
  • Pending Issues and Urgent NeedsView
  • ReferencesView
  • Annex | PhotographsView