Activities for ICH Information Building and Sharing from 2008 to 2013
From Building Foundation for Safeguarding to Raising Awareness on ICH in Mongolia
2008-2013 Mongolia-ICHCAP Cooperative Projects
The ICHCAP has been conducting continuous cooperation projects with the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO and the Foundation for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage from 2007 to 2013.
The ICHCAP began exchange between experts in Mongolia in 2007 with the Korea-Mongolia Strategy Meeting for Utilizing Intangible Cultural Heritage Institutions. As a follow up project, the UNESCO Living Human Treasures System was introduced to and implemented in Mongolia to create institutions to protect, maintain and promote intangible cultural heritage and its bearers. Field research was also carried out in parts of Mongolia.
In 2009, field research was expanded to more regions while recommendations on the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage were established at the symposium on intangible cultural heritage. A workshop on the implementation of the UNESCO Living Human Treasures System in Mongolia was also held to establish a temporary training module on the transmission of intangible cultural heritage.
The projects of 2008 and 2009 led to the publication of the Guidebook on the intangible cultural heritage of Mongolia in 2010 which aimed to raise public awareness about intangible cultural heritage and enhance organizational and professional capacities in the field of intangible cultural heritage.
After establishing institutional foundations for intangible heritage protection, the ICHCAP and Mongolia began to focus on project to safeguard intangible cultural heritage by utilizing information technology from 2011. The project to build and utilize information on Mongolian intangible heritage was carried out as a two year project from 2011 to 2012 and valuable multimedia resources that have been damaged or stored under poor conditions were digitally restored as part of the project. The restored audio resources were published in a CD collection titled Sounds from Mongolian Grasslands.
Cooperation projects continued into 2013, with the Intangible Cultural Heritage Documentation Workshop and pilot filming being conducted jointly with the Foundation for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage. The workshop on intangible cultural heritage documentation and pilot filming on site were carried out simultaneously in order to allow experts from Korea and Mongolia to share their experiences and technologies in audiovisual documentation, thereby contributing to intangible cultural heritage safeguarding and capacity building for both parties.