One Asia in Dance

Drametse Nga Cham


Ngawang Tencin
Date of Performance
Nov 21, 2011
∙Inscribed to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2008
∙Cham, a type of masked ritual dance
Artistic director
Ngawang TencinMajored in Tonga and Buddhist Philosophy at Shangjap Seadra School. Regular performance of masked dance in Thimphu, Bhutan. Performed masked dance at the coronation of the King of Bhutan in 2008 2008. Participated in Buddhist ritual performances and the production of Buddhist articles from 2007 to 2010.
picture of DrametseNgaCham
  • picture of DrametseNgaCham
  • picture of DrametseNgaCham
  • picture of DrametseNgaCham
  • picture of DrametseNgaCham
  • picture of DrametseNgaCham
  • play youtube of DrametseNgaCham

This dance is a reconstruction of the masked dance performed in the Drametse region, rearranged for a solo performance. ‘Nga’ means drum, and ‘Cham’ means ‘masked ritual dance’. The Drametse Nga Cham is a dance performed during the Drametse festival to commemorate the great teacher ‘Padmasambhava’, who brought Tibetan Buddhism to Bhutan in the 8th century.

It is said that Drametse Nga Cham originated from a dance performed by legendary male and female heroes living in the celestial world. Traditionally, it was performed by 10 musicians and 16 male dancers. The dancers wear monk’s robes and wooden masks depicting real or legendary animals, and dance in the temple yard.

Drametse Nga Cham has an important place in the Bhutanese society, with religious and cultural significance. The Bhutanese see this dance as the source of their spiritual strength and a symbol of their national identity. However, there have been challenges in its transmission in recent years, with a decline in the number of practitioners and students.

Pa Cham, Dance of the Heroes


Tsering Dorji
Date of Performance
Oct 3, 2013
∙An excerpt from a Cham (Bhutanese masked ritual dance) adapted for the stage
Artistic director
Tsering DorjiMajored in folk dance and masked dance. Masked dance instructor and dancer at the Royal Academy of Performing Arts and A-Yang Music School. Performed in Malibu, Sri Lanka, Nepal and India (2003). Participated in the Andong International Masked Dance Festival, Korea (2007). Held masked dance performance and workshop in Sweden (2013).
picture of PaCham
  • picture of PaCham
  • picture of PaCham
  • picture of PaCham
  • picture of PaCham
  • picture of PaCham
  • play youtube of PaCham

This is a portion of the traditional Bhutanese masked dance of Cham, rearranged for a solo performer. It is a combination of the ‘Drum Dance’ which represents the victory of good over evil, and the ‘Hero’s Dance’ which contains a message to the god of peace and anger. In Bhutan, Buddhism is more than a religion, being a philosophy that guides its way of life and culture. In this culture of Buddhism, Cham is regarded one of the most unique elements of the Bhutanese Buddist heritage. ‘Cham’ which refers to a type of masked dance performed at rituals, is performed at the annual festivals of temples in the region. The people of Bhutan regard the act of viewing Cham as a spiritual experience, of release from worldly attachments.

Cham dancers wear traditional costumes made of silk in the 6 colors of red, white, yellow, green, blue and black. Each color stands for different aspects of nature, red for fire, energy and strength, white for water and peace, yellow for the ground, growth and elevation, green for air and finiteness, blue for the universe and infinity, and black for anger. The masks worn while dancing are carved from wood, depicting saints, wise men, guardian deities and legendary figures. The music is played using cymbals, drums, large and small copper horns, conches and bells.