Reports of ICHCAP's Conferences and Meetings
2013 Conference Report
Reflection on the Efforts to
Safeguard ICH and Prospects for the Future
무형문화유산 보호를 위한 10년간의 노력 : 회고와 전망
Implementation of the 2003 Convention in Mongolia and ICH Safeguarding Tasks _ Urtnasan Norov
The Task of Inventory, Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage-Experience from Vietnam _ Le Thi Minh Ly
Protection of Ustod-Shogird as an Essential Heritage Safeguarding Task _ Faroghat Azizi
Investing in People to Safeguard ICH _ Ananya Bhattacharya
What Are the ICH Safeguarding Tasks? Voices from the Pacific Region _ Akatsuki Takahashi