Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements of Ferghana Valley

Collection on Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements of Ferghana Valley


ICH Photo Album

domain includes all genres connected with people’s folklore creations, such as myths, fables, epic poems, fairy tales, riddles fables, proverbs, folktales, lullabies, tongue-twisters, and lapar. They differ from each other by their method of performance and colourful melodies.domain includes all genres connected with people’s folklore creations, such as myths, fables, epic poems, fairy tales, riddles fables, proverbs, folktales, lullabies, tongue-twisters, and lapar. They differ from each other by their method of performance and colourful melodies.

domain includes all genres connected with people’s folklore creations, such as myths, fables, epic poems, fairy tales, riddles fables, proverbs, folktales, lullabies, tongue-twisters, and lapar. They differ from each other by their method of performance and colourful melodies.myths, fables, epic poems, fairy tales, riddles fables, proverbs, folktales, lullabies, tongue-twisters, and lapar. They differ from each other by their method of performance and colourful melodies.

Theme 1.Oral Traditions and Expression

Theme 2.Performing Arts

Theme 3.Social Practices, Rituals and Festive Events

Theme 4. Knowledge and Practices Concerning Nature and the Universe

Theme 5.Traditional Craftsmanship
