Reports of ICHCAP's Conferences and Meetings
2010 Expert Meeting Report
Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
& Intellectual Property Rights
Trends and Challenges
무형문화유산 보호와 지적재산권 - 동향과 과제
Examination of the Discourse Regarding the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions Based on the WIPO Debate _ Ki Seok Oh (Research Fellow, Korea Copyright Commission)
Introduction, Protection and Utilization of ‘New Intellectual Property’ _ Yong Ik Jeong (Chief, Intellectual Property Division, Prime Minister’s office, Korea)
Concept and Nature of ICH in Comparison with Traditional Cultural Expressions _ Dae Seung Yang (Associate Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Intellectual Property)
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights of ICH: Issues and Tasks _ Soyoung Yook (Professor, Chungnam National University Law School, Korea)
Issues of ICH Communities Involving the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the ICH Field _ Pilho Park (Attorney at Law, New York)
Indonesian Case on the Matters of Intellectual Property Rights in the Process of Inscribing ICH Elements onto the UNESCO ICH Lists _ Gaura Mancacaritadipura (2nd Secretary, National Kris Secretariat, Indonesia)
Intellectual Property Rights in Relation to Digital Archives of ICH _ Chul Nam Lee (Professor, Chungnam National University Law School, Korea)
Case Study on Intellectual Property Rights in Establishing a Traditional Knowledge Database in Korea _ Kwang Kuk Goh (Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Realities of Intellectual Property Rights in Establishing a Digital Contents of Korean Buddhist Culture _ Eun Jeong Cho (Adjunct Professor, Hannam University, Korea)