Reports of ICHCAP's Conferences and Meetings
2009 Conference Report
for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
무형문화유산 보호를 위한 정보와 네트워킹
Challenges to the Implementation of the 2003 Convention _ Noriko Aikawa-Faure
Strengthening Regional Capacity-building and International Cooperation for the Safeguarding of ICH _ Dawnhee Yim
Building Public Awareness, Particularly Among the Youth, Regarding ICH Safeguarding _ Gaura Mancacaritadipura
Mobilizing communities to document their intangible cultural heritage _ Tim Curtis
Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory-Making and the Establishment of Information Systems: Initiatives from India
_ Sudha Gopalakrishnan
Cultural Mapping Program: Fiji’s ICH Inventory-Making and the Establishment of the Traditional Knowledge & Expression of Culture (TKEC) Information System _ Simione Sevudredre