Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements of Ferghana Valley

Collection on Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements of Ferghana Valley


Performing Arts

include folklore music, dancing, and art performance shows. The folklore music sphere includes various forms of maquoms, feruzs, and tanovars, and different genres, including alla, o‘lan, yalla lapar, madhiya, terma, and khalfachi. The dancing sphere includes geographically diverse national styles as solo performances, duets, group dancing, men’s dancing, women’s dancing in addition to the forms of Khorazm, Bukhara, Ferghana, and Surkhon oasis dances.

Performing Arts
  • Oral Traditions and ExpressionsOral Traditions and Expressions
  • Performing Arts
  • Social Practices, Rituals and Festive EventsSocial Practices, Rituals and Festive Events
  • Knowledge and Practices Concerning Nature and the UniverseKnowledge and Practices Concerning Nature and the Universe
  • Traditional CraftsmanshipTraditional Craftsmanship
Total. 4
  • englishenglish
  • uznbekistanuznbekistan
  • English: 37min
  • Uzbek: 37min

Katta Ashula

Katta ashula (a song performed with a plate) is specific to the Uzbek traditional song trend of Ferghana Valley. Usually, it is performed a cappella by two to five singers of the same vocal range who use a plate or tray to project their voices in different ways. In most cases, katta ashula is performed by singers with a high-pitched, wide-ranging voice, and these are some of the distinguishing features of the complex performance style.


Lapar, a folklore song genre performed without musical instruments, is characterised by the narrow diapason and rhyme reiteration, which are not complicated by the melodic composition. The lapar is performed by girls and boys who compete with each other in the form of dialogue. In this competition, any girl in the circle can address any boy with lapar question, and the boy has to respond with lapar song. If the answer is appropriate, the boy is presented with gift of a handkerchief or a belt-kerchief.


Askiya (witty joking) is a national art peculiar to Uzbek people. Askiya cannot be found in the cultural traditions of other people, in terms of humorous wit with the participation of many people in the form of live contest. Askiya is made up of plays on words and puns, both of which require life knowledge, skill, creativity, wisdom, and a high level of intelligence. Askiya masters who compete before big audiences openly and good-heartedly make sharp and witty jokes about the events and shortcomings of daily lives of their contemporaries.

Show Arts

In Ferghana, the unique national customs, habits, and traditions are preserved. One of them is dorbozlik (ropewalking), which has been passed down for centuries from one generation to the next. These show programmes demonstrate colourful performances of diverse groups such as puppeteers, askiya jokers, lapar and o‘lan singers weightlifters, ropewalkers, snake charmers, all of whom are held with high regard and interest.