Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements of Ferghana Valley

Collection on Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements of Ferghana Valley


Traditional Craftsmanship

The unique craftsmanship of the Ferghana Valley developed many centuries, and its peculiar features make it stand out when compared to the craftsmanship in the other regions.

Traditional Craftsmanship
  • Oral Traditions and ExpressionsOral Traditions and Expressions
  • Performing ArtsPerforming Arts
  • Social Practices, Rituals and Festive EventsSocial Practices, Rituals and Festive Events
  • Knowledge and Practices Concerning Nature and the UniverseKnowledge and Practices Concerning Nature and the Universe
  • Traditional Craftsmanship
Total. 3
  • englishenglish
  • uznbekistanuznbekistan
  • English: 17min
  • Uzbek: 22min


Qo‘qon, known for its unique and rare architecture, was glorified as a city of handicraft masters since ancient times and known as the home the largest khanate of Central Asia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Some of the traditional handicrafts known to have developed in the city include pottery, weaving, embroidery, tiling, jewellery, plastering, and woodcarving. The jewellery masters of Qo`qon have long been known for their fine gold or silver earrings, armlets, amulets, adornments, and necklaces.

Rishton Pottery

In Rishton, as in other areas of Central Asia, pottery decorations and ornaments are bold and painted on the polished ceramic surface. This decoration method developed in the ninth century and later evolved into a method of using bright copper under the polish layer to add more depth and richness to the decorative elements. In the tenth and eleventh centuries, potters applied a brass polish and employed old decoration methods, where the ceramic dishes are covered with the design of green-blue trees and unique half-heart patterns.


Textile productions of high-quality, tender, and iridescent fabrics are widespread in Marghilon, an ancient town of the Ferghana Valley. In the beginning of the twentieth century masters of Marghilon were recognised as the most skilled craftsmen in weaving of high-quality silk fabrics in the region. The silk products of Marghilon are diverse, differing from one another in terms of raw materials, design, and weaving technology. Such fabrics as beqasam, adras, pariposhsha, atlas, chit, banoras, and others are famous not only domestically but internationally as well.