Cultural Partnership Initiative

International Network Building for ICH Safeguarding


Building and Strengthening an International Networks

2012-2014 Cultural Partnership Initiative Projects

The Cultural Partnership Initiative (CPI) is an international exchange program that promotes bidirectional exchange by inviting rising experts in the fields of culture, art, tourism, and sports to reside in Korea for durations of six months. This program is organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. ICHCAP has been participating in the program since 2012 to build interpersonal networks internationally.

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The CPI program is mutually beneficial for the participants and the host organizations, Through the program, ICHCAP establishes focal points to facilitate exchanges among ICH experts and promote international safeguarding projects, which then contribute to building the foundations for information exchange and networking mechanisms. At the same time, the CPI participants conduct individual research and participate in ICHCAP’s cooperative projects to build practical experience as well as visit related organizations and communities to experience Korean culture and introduce their respective cultures in a bidirectional cultural exchange.