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카테고리 2기구
- The International Children Center
- World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO
- The International Research Center on Karst Under the auspices of UNESCO
- Sustainable Energy Development International centre under the auspices of UNESCO
- International Center of Water for Food Security - Charles Sturt University
- The International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre
- Regional Centre on Urban Water Management for Latin America and the Caribbean
- The International Network of Research and Training Centres for Urban Water and Centres for Urban Drainage, under the auspices of UNESCO
- The Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science
- International Centre for Ecology
- Regional Water Centre for Arid and Semi-Arid Zones of Latin America and the Caribbean(CAZALAC)
- The International Centre for Water Hazard
- Regional Centre for Biotechnology Training and Education
- International Centre for Girls' and Women's Education in Africa and African Union
- Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America(CRESPIAL)
- Latin America Physics Centre(CLAF)
- Regional Centre of Educational Planning(RCEP)
- International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures
- Regional Center for Training and Water Studies
- Nordic World Heritage Foundation
- International Standard Serial Number
- Regional Centre for Book Development in Latin America and the Caribbean(CERLALC)
- International Institute for Central Asian Studies(IICAS)
- International Centre for Human Sciences(ICHS)
- Regional Centre on Urban Water Management-TEHRAN
- Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America
- Regional Humid Tropics Hydrology and Water Resources Centre for South-East Asia and the Pacific(WRCSEAP)
- International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation(IRTCES)
- Guidance, Counselling and Youth Development Centre for Afria(GCYDCA)
- Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding under the auspices of UNESCO
- International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education
- An International Centre on Space Technologies for Cultural and Natural Heritage
- A Centre for the Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Caribbean Island States
- An International Biomics Training Centre
- An International Centre on Water Resources and Global Change
- An International Centre on Coastal Ecohydrology
- Hidroex-International Centre for Education, Capacity Building and Applied Research in Water
- n International Training Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific region
- An International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region
- An Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage(ARC-WH)
- A West Africa Institute for International Research on Regional Integration and Social Transformations
- A Regional Heritage Management Training Centre
- Lifelong Learning Centre for Sustainable Development in South-East Asia
- A Regional Centre for Capacity-Building in Museum Studies
- An International Centre for Integrated Water Resources Management(ICIWaRM) Hosted by the Institute for Water Resources(IWR) of the United States
- Army Corps of Engineers, Alexandria(Virginia), UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
- A Regional Centre Concerning Early Childhood Development
- The African World Heritage Fund(AWHF)
- A Regional Research Centre for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in West and Central Asia
- A Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-Eastern Europe
- A Regional World Heritage Institute
- The Asia-Pacific Centre for Ecohydroloty(APCE)
- A Regional Centre for Science Park and Technology Incubator Development
- A Regional Centre for the Living Arts in Africa
- International Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics